Local Outreach
Our Local Outreach Ministry is a Christ-led ministry with a vision for reaching beyond the church walls to provide acts of benevolence to those society has forgotten including the aged, disabled and the poor.
Shelter Visits
FCTC Local Outreach endeavors to Make A Difference in the lives of others, by opening up our hearts and showing love and having compassion for all whom we may come in contact with, for this is the same love and compassion that God has for each of us and it is shown to us each day. By visiting shelters in our community, we are able to demonstrate the love and compassion that Jesus showed to us.
Clothing Give-a-ways
Our Local Outreach ministry makes available new and gently used clothing to all who are in need. In addition to clothing, new and used winter coats are provided each year. Blankets, toys, household and baby items are also made available through the generous donations of our church family. Whether you need school clothes or work appropriate clothes, coats, or summer wear we’ll do our best to accommadate your need.
“I will bless you… And you shall be a blessing.” – Genesis 12:2
Bus Ministry
Every month our Bus Ministry provides safe, reliable transportation for families to and from our church. “Then the Master said to the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that My house may be filled.”-Luke 14:23. If you need transportation, please use the form below on this page to contact us.